How to Read the Bible & Understand Prophecy
Lesson #10: Repeating Prophetic Events
The Bible provides us with a record of fulfilled prophetic events and a window into what’s to come in the future. From the fall of mankind into sin to the reconciliation of God and man through Jesus Christ, to the establishment of the kingdom of heaven here on Earth; it’s all written in the Bible for us to see.
When reading the Bible, you will see there is a pattern of events that often replays over and over again as time goes by. This sequence of events often follows this order:
1) God creates/does something good.
2) People enjoy what God has done for a time then they become dissatisfied.
3) People rebel and forget God.
4) Special people are sent by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority reject the message.
5) Certain prophetic signs and events occur before imminent judgment.
6) Judgment Day.
In the beginning, life was good. Mankind and nature both lived in harmony with God on Earth. After being told by Satan that they could be more than what they were created to be, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. From that day, mankind began the downward spiral toward destruction and the knowledge of God began its decline. God’s anger was kindled after seeing just how wicked mankind had become. After several generations passed, Noah was sent by God to warn the people of the inhabited world of the impending destruction, but the people would not listen. Finally, the days of the flood arrived and judgment was carried out.
We see this same pattern of events unfolding again, before the Israelite people were taken captive by the Babylonians. This can be read in the book of 2 Kings chapter 21 to chapter 24.
As a side note, read Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Again, the same sequence of events took place before the judgement of the Old Covenant world, upon the nation of Israel…
Old Covenant World Sequence of Events:
1) God created the symbolic “heaven and earth” (old covenant world) for the descendants of Israel - Deuteronomy 28:23, Deuteronomy 14:2 KJV
2) Israel enjoyed what God did for a time, then became dissatisfied - Deuteronomy 8:7-10, 1 Samuel 8:4-7 KJV
3) Israel rebelled and forgot God - Isaiah 1:2 KJV
4) Prophets were commissioned by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority rejected their message – Matthew 10:5-6, Matthew 23:37 KJV
5) Certain signs and events occurred before the time of judgment and the end of the old covenant world - Matthew Chapter 24 KJV
6) Judgment day for the nation of Israel - 1 Peter 4:17 KJV
1 Peter 4:17 also lets us know that after the judgment of the Lord house (Old Covenant Israel), another time of judgment will come upon the whole world that receives the gospel. During the final time of judgment, still yet to come, the world will not be judged by the Old Covenant laws but by our acceptance of Jesus Christ and the love that we have for the Father and everyday people.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-4 KJV
Read Acts 2:12 KJV
Read Acts 4:21 KJV
Read Hebrews 10:26 KJV
The coming final judgment will conclude the last set of events in the pattern, but on a grand scale, right before everything is reset and all things are made new. When you look at the whole picture, it is clear to see that everything is progressing according to what has already been written in the Bible.
The Master Sequence of Events:
1) God created the literal heaven and earth – Genesis Chapters 1 & Genesis Chapters 2 KJV
2) The world enjoyed what God did for a time, then became dissatisfied - 1 Timothy 4:1 KJV
3) Majority of world is rebelling against God and rejects any knowledge of Him – Evident in the world today
4) Christians are commissioned by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority of the world rejects their message - Evident in the world today
5) Certain signs and events will occur before the time of the final judgment – 2 Timothy 3:1-4, Revelation 8:5-13, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 11:1-15 KJV
6) The final judgment, for ALL nations – Revelation 20:12-15 KJV
As mentioned before, many of the signs of the times that were present before the end of the Old Covenant world came to pass, are now being repeated in this day and age; right before the end of the whole secular world comes about. Those who broke the Old Covenant and were found guilty (during the First Resurrection) are now held in Hell, along with many of the fallen angels; awaiting the Final Judgment…
Read 2 Peter 2:4-9 KJV
One of the main points of this bible study is to convey that it is important to study and understand what took place in the past, in order to be prepared for what’s to come in the future. As we will see in the last two lessons of this bible study, although patterns of events repeat themselves over time, the fine details and final outcome between past judgments and the final one will only slightly differ.
When reading the Bible, you will see there is a pattern of events that often replays over and over again as time goes by. This sequence of events often follows this order:
1) God creates/does something good.
2) People enjoy what God has done for a time then they become dissatisfied.
3) People rebel and forget God.
4) Special people are sent by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority reject the message.
5) Certain prophetic signs and events occur before imminent judgment.
6) Judgment Day.
In the beginning, life was good. Mankind and nature both lived in harmony with God on Earth. After being told by Satan that they could be more than what they were created to be, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. From that day, mankind began the downward spiral toward destruction and the knowledge of God began its decline. God’s anger was kindled after seeing just how wicked mankind had become. After several generations passed, Noah was sent by God to warn the people of the inhabited world of the impending destruction, but the people would not listen. Finally, the days of the flood arrived and judgment was carried out.
We see this same pattern of events unfolding again, before the Israelite people were taken captive by the Babylonians. This can be read in the book of 2 Kings chapter 21 to chapter 24.
As a side note, read Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Again, the same sequence of events took place before the judgement of the Old Covenant world, upon the nation of Israel…
Old Covenant World Sequence of Events:
1) God created the symbolic “heaven and earth” (old covenant world) for the descendants of Israel - Deuteronomy 28:23, Deuteronomy 14:2 KJV
2) Israel enjoyed what God did for a time, then became dissatisfied - Deuteronomy 8:7-10, 1 Samuel 8:4-7 KJV
3) Israel rebelled and forgot God - Isaiah 1:2 KJV
4) Prophets were commissioned by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority rejected their message – Matthew 10:5-6, Matthew 23:37 KJV
5) Certain signs and events occurred before the time of judgment and the end of the old covenant world - Matthew Chapter 24 KJV
6) Judgment day for the nation of Israel - 1 Peter 4:17 KJV
1 Peter 4:17 also lets us know that after the judgment of the Lord house (Old Covenant Israel), another time of judgment will come upon the whole world that receives the gospel. During the final time of judgment, still yet to come, the world will not be judged by the Old Covenant laws but by our acceptance of Jesus Christ and the love that we have for the Father and everyday people.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-4 KJV
Read Acts 2:12 KJV
Read Acts 4:21 KJV
Read Hebrews 10:26 KJV
The coming final judgment will conclude the last set of events in the pattern, but on a grand scale, right before everything is reset and all things are made new. When you look at the whole picture, it is clear to see that everything is progressing according to what has already been written in the Bible.
The Master Sequence of Events:
1) God created the literal heaven and earth – Genesis Chapters 1 & Genesis Chapters 2 KJV
2) The world enjoyed what God did for a time, then became dissatisfied - 1 Timothy 4:1 KJV
3) Majority of world is rebelling against God and rejects any knowledge of Him – Evident in the world today
4) Christians are commissioned by God to try to open the eyes of the people, but the majority of the world rejects their message - Evident in the world today
5) Certain signs and events will occur before the time of the final judgment – 2 Timothy 3:1-4, Revelation 8:5-13, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 11:1-15 KJV
6) The final judgment, for ALL nations – Revelation 20:12-15 KJV
As mentioned before, many of the signs of the times that were present before the end of the Old Covenant world came to pass, are now being repeated in this day and age; right before the end of the whole secular world comes about. Those who broke the Old Covenant and were found guilty (during the First Resurrection) are now held in Hell, along with many of the fallen angels; awaiting the Final Judgment…
Read 2 Peter 2:4-9 KJV
One of the main points of this bible study is to convey that it is important to study and understand what took place in the past, in order to be prepared for what’s to come in the future. As we will see in the last two lessons of this bible study, although patterns of events repeat themselves over time, the fine details and final outcome between past judgments and the final one will only slightly differ.