How to Read the Bible & Understand Prophecy
Lesson #1: The Importance of Studying the Bible
If you watch the news, spend a day in a public school or, take notice of the content that the entertainment industry pushes out to the public each day, you will quickly realize that society continues to take a dangerous turn in the wrong direction.
What does the bible say will be going on in the world, in our day and age? 1 Timothy 4:1-2 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mankind has been on a downward spiral ever since the event that took place in the garden of Eden.
What does the bible say took place in the garden that began the fall of mankind? Genesis 3:1-17 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The rejection of God and the lack of regard towards what the bible says is right and wrong has become the norm throughout the world. It's hard not to notice how things continue to decline at such an alarming rate, especially within the past few years.
What does the bible say will be the state of mankind in the age that we are living in today?
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-4 (KJV) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading the bible for yourself, rightly dividing the word (with the aid of the Holy Spirit) then sharing what you know with others around you, will help you and your loved ones navigate the troubles and trials in this world.
Read Proverbs 3:5-7 (KJV) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Many people are intimidated by the bible and often shy away from getting deep into the words, because they don't feel qualified to do so.
What does the bible say concerning the nature of the prophetic texts? (2 Peter 1:20 KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
People become confused while reading the bible when they don't allow the Holy Spirit to be their Guide. Oftentimes, readers will open the bible with preconceived ideas and certain denominational doctrines, which can obscure the true message of certain bible texts. In order to connect with the word of God, it is of the utmost importance to begin with a clear and open mind.
What does the bible say in 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In today's day and age, there are so many different ideas, theories, and doctrines, upheld by many different churches and denominations around the world. It can be very difficult to sift through what is false and what is true. This is why it is imperative to allow the bible to speak for itself. Understand that whatever is written in the bible, trumps everything else that has been spoken of or written about concerning spiritual things.
What does the bible say in 1 John 5:9 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Without total and complete faith in the word of God, a clear understanding of spiritual/biblical things cannot be reached. Our faith must stand in place of evidence that has been “lost” or covered up over time.
What does the bible say in Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
There are some challenging texts in certain books of the bible, especially when you are dealing with bible prophecy. But be assured that for every verse that is difficult to understand, another verse will provide deeper insight into what is being conveyed.
What promise does the bible give concerning the surety of God's word? Isaiah 34:16 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In a world with many different denominations and diverse ways of interpreting the word of God, it is no wonder that divisions exist among believers today.
What is Christ's desire for all believers? John 17:20-21 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If people would give the scriptures the ultimate authority over what they believe to be true, Christ's desire for unity among all people would fast become a reality.
What does the bible say in Matthew 4:4 (KJV)?
What does the bible say will be going on in the world, in our day and age? 1 Timothy 4:1-2 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mankind has been on a downward spiral ever since the event that took place in the garden of Eden.
What does the bible say took place in the garden that began the fall of mankind? Genesis 3:1-17 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The rejection of God and the lack of regard towards what the bible says is right and wrong has become the norm throughout the world. It's hard not to notice how things continue to decline at such an alarming rate, especially within the past few years.
What does the bible say will be the state of mankind in the age that we are living in today?
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-4 (KJV) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading the bible for yourself, rightly dividing the word (with the aid of the Holy Spirit) then sharing what you know with others around you, will help you and your loved ones navigate the troubles and trials in this world.
Read Proverbs 3:5-7 (KJV) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Many people are intimidated by the bible and often shy away from getting deep into the words, because they don't feel qualified to do so.
What does the bible say concerning the nature of the prophetic texts? (2 Peter 1:20 KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
People become confused while reading the bible when they don't allow the Holy Spirit to be their Guide. Oftentimes, readers will open the bible with preconceived ideas and certain denominational doctrines, which can obscure the true message of certain bible texts. In order to connect with the word of God, it is of the utmost importance to begin with a clear and open mind.
What does the bible say in 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In today's day and age, there are so many different ideas, theories, and doctrines, upheld by many different churches and denominations around the world. It can be very difficult to sift through what is false and what is true. This is why it is imperative to allow the bible to speak for itself. Understand that whatever is written in the bible, trumps everything else that has been spoken of or written about concerning spiritual things.
What does the bible say in 1 John 5:9 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Without total and complete faith in the word of God, a clear understanding of spiritual/biblical things cannot be reached. Our faith must stand in place of evidence that has been “lost” or covered up over time.
What does the bible say in Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
There are some challenging texts in certain books of the bible, especially when you are dealing with bible prophecy. But be assured that for every verse that is difficult to understand, another verse will provide deeper insight into what is being conveyed.
What promise does the bible give concerning the surety of God's word? Isaiah 34:16 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In a world with many different denominations and diverse ways of interpreting the word of God, it is no wonder that divisions exist among believers today.
What is Christ's desire for all believers? John 17:20-21 (KJV) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If people would give the scriptures the ultimate authority over what they believe to be true, Christ's desire for unity among all people would fast become a reality.
What does the bible say in Matthew 4:4 (KJV)?